Wednesday, November 13, 2013

We've got Paypal!

Asalamu Alaikum,

After clicking the donate button, please write whether or not you want your donation going to Masjid Ahlu Sunnah or the Muslim Cemetery of the Greater Fayetteville Area.


Friday, July 12, 2013

Muslim Cemetery Today

Asalamu Alaikum dear Brothers and Sisters,

Here are the most recent pictures  of the Muslim Cemetery (July 8, 2012)! Allahuakbar, the progress is evident! With the help and cooperation within the Muslim community far and wide, we have been able to pull together and bury our deceased on a manicured piece of land. Both owned and maintained by the Muslims. And Allah is the most Great! 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

In The Paper

Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatulla Brothers and Sisters,

Recently a news reporter from the Fayetteville Observer was driving down HWY 24/27 and saw our cemetery sign. He contacted me (Yaqub Shamsid-Deen) on whether he could do an article about the Muslim graveyard. I thought you all might appreciate reading and sharing the article linked below. PhotoPhoto Taken from Article

Updated Pictures

Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatulla Brothers and Sisters,

Here are the much awaited updated pictures of the Muslim cemetery. Be sure to go back and check out the photos taken in 2005!

A tree fell on this fence. InshAllah please help out to get it fixed.
The much awaited (and appreciated) backhoe.