About the Cemetery

As-Salaamu Alaikum:

We pray Allaah Ta'ala continues to bless our efforts.
The Muslim Cemetery of the Greater Fayetteville Area (MCGFA) was incorporated in August of 2001, but the idea of a cemetery in this area has been here much longer than that.  The area Muslims  got together and we formed a Grave Yard Committee which was made up of all the area masajid.  We disliked that every time a Muslim died in our area we had to bury the decease in a distant cemetery, which almost always involved one form of bid'a or another.  We held a fund raiser at the Holiday Inn, on Owen Drive, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, where we raised more than twelve thousand dollars, and had pledges for more! Allahuakbar!  Muslims from all walks of life gave money; at least one youngster gave two hundred dollars of his own savings for this worthy cause. 
 We found many locations for the cemetery, but could not agree; or once the owners learned we were Muslims, and wanted to put a cemetery they changed their minds about selling to us.  We went to a land auction and won the bid on some beautiful acres, but again the owner declined to sell to us.  Finally, we were able to purchase two acres of cleared land, with road frontage, from a Muslim family on highway 24/27, Cameron North Carolina. To date, we spent all the money raised on removing the stumps.  We needed to fence the cemetery off, purchase a used back-hoe to dig the graves with, and do other things to level the grounds and get rid of weeds and grow the kind of grass we want. And Alhamdulilah, this has been acomplished. The first grave was filled on May 24, 2005, and was a child approximately seven weeks old, from Greensboro, North Carolina.  We have established a non-interest bearing account with BB&T, and anyone can donate to aid in this worthy cause.   You may also contact Yaqub Shamsiddeen, of Masjid Ahlu Sunnah, Fayetteville, NC at (910) 476-9328, with any questions, or information and assistance.

At the Muslim Cemetery of Greater Fayettville, we conform to the Qur'an and Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alayhi was salaam), and we also complete this communal obligation free from any cost to the aggrieved family.  All burials are free.  Absolutely free.  Any Muslim can be buried here at no cost.

With Salaams,
Yaqub Shamsid-Deen


  1. Al azhar memorial garden I think this is an informative post and it is very useful and knowledgeable. therefore, I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article.

  2. As salaam wa alaykom bros...if it is convenient for you..will you please post contact information and address and link on how to avail ourselves of the services this cemetery offers?

  3. Cemetery Administrator, yaqub Shamsiddeen 919 721 0713 anytime day or night.
