Friday, July 13, 2012

Up Keep Payment Plan

Asalamu Alikum Brothers and Sisters,

Alhamdulilah, as you may or may not know, all burials for Muslims at this cemetery are free. So far the masajid in the area have come together and agreed to each contribute $100 a month for the cemetery maintenance. These masajid so far being:

  • Masjid Al-Madina on Raeford Road, Fayetteville North Carolina
  • Masjid Omar Ibn Sayeed on Murchison Road, Fayetteville North Carolina
  • Masjid Ahlu-Sunna, on Preston Avenue, Fayetteville North Carolina
  • Islamic Center of Fayetteville (ICF) 

The money is used for things like gas to fuel the backhoe and lawnmower, white rocks to cover the grave, and etc. In this post, I will outline the cost of everything needed to maintain uniformity of each grave and the manicured look of the grass. And of course the prices of items vary with inflation. 

  • White Rocks (1 ton) 
  • Heavy Duty Black Plastic to prevent weeds within the grave.
  • Red Bricks to boarder the graves. We were using wood, but we found that to buckle overtime due to the weather. 
  • Large headstone, approximately the size of two fist. To number the grave. 
  • Foot Long Steel Rod. This rod bears the same number on the headstone for the purpose of proper identification. The rod is inserted into the surface of the ground at the head of the grave on the Qiblah wall.
  • 4X8 Ply Wood. The wood is used inside the grave to create a niche. (Lahd)
  • 2x4's. These are used alongside the 4x8 plywood to create the niche. (Lahd)
  • Diesel Fuel (for the backhoe)
  • Regular gasoline (for the lawnmower)

We have established a non-interest bearing account with BB&T, and anyone can donate to aid in this worthy cause.

Checks or money orders can be sent to: 
Muslim Cemetery 
20696 NC HWY 24/27 
Cameron, NC 28326 

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